Brainspotting (BSP)
Emotional pain overwhelms one’s nervous system. BSP works on easing this emotional and physical lock down by locating, accessing, processing and releasing neurophysiological sources of pain/trauma held deep in the brain. We believe that BSP utilizes and harnesses the body’s natural self-scanning and self-healing ability.
Can be utilized in addition to traditional talk therapy.
Process your pain and experiences in a way that requires little to no verbalization of these memories or feelings.
Understand and connect with your body.
Find relief and change in your challenges to move forward in your healing.
“Where you look, affects how you feel.”
A Brainspot is a relevant eye position chosen by either the client or the therapist, as the client slowly scans their field of vision while thinking about the emotionally charged issue. Often, the individual can locate a Brainspot by noticing an increase of emotions or body sensations in a particular visual location. The therapist may find Brainspots by observing reflexive responses in the client, such as changes in the individual’s eyes, facial expression, breathing or body position. A Brainspot gives access to the activation of the emotionally charged issue in the brain. Staying on that Brainspot invites processing from the bottom up and from the inside out. As attention is given to the client’s processing of the issue, the charged material moves in a direction of discharge and healing.
More about Brainspotting.
How does BSP help?
Many clients have talked in therapy about the stumbling blocks in their lives, only to find that their symptoms reappear later, after they thought that their issues had been resolved. This may occur because emotional pain lodges in part of the brain that is outside of the rational, conscious mind. The goal of BSP is to bypass the conscious, thinking part in order to access the deeper, subcortical brain where emotional experiences are held. Brainspotting can help free individuals from painful emotions and maladaptive patterns of behavior that seemed unresolvable. BSP is a way to work on pain points in a safe and contained situation.
BSP is also used to find and strengthen resources and resiliency. For example, a Brainspot can be chosen based on where one feels the most grounded or calm in his/her body. The goal in resource enhancement is to increase positive feelings and body sensations.
Who can benefit from BSP?
Brainspotting can be effective with a wide range of clients and presenting issues.
Anxiety & Depression | Attachment | Fears | Self-esteem | Anger | Substance Use | Performance |
BSP can be integrated into a wide range of healing modalities to best suit client needs